Monday, March 1, 2010

MGSR: Astur izeneko oilagorra (2007), zenbait dokumentu

(Hona hemen 2006an eta 2007an erabilitako PTTen desberdintasuna:
9,5 gramoko PTTak %16,5 area gutxiago
dauka 12 gramokoak baino)

(Astur: askatze puntua)

(Astur: ibilbide osoa, 4.660 km inguru)

(Astur Ural mendien hegaletan)

(Astur: elkarrengandik aldendutako zenbait emisio Errusian)

(Astur: elkarrengandik nahiko hurbil dauden zenbait emisio Errusian)

(Astur: azken emisioa Errusian, abuztuak 5)


About Me

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This blog offers data and analysis from years of tracking the Scolopax rusticola. I created this site in order to weigh in on the challenges facing the tracking of that special bird. I aim to provide an accurate description of the different methodology and technology used in this wonderful adventure. Enjoy it!